Nnalio lyrics – Charity Isi


Nnalio – Charity Isi

Chukwu o nnalio yo
(oh God, I pray)
Chukwu o nnalio yo
(oh God, I pray)
Chukwu keni uwa nnalio yo
(Oh God of all creation, I pray)
Banu mo ki zamo okwu oma
(Please, hear and answer my prayers)

Chukwu o nnalio yo
(oh God, I pray)
Chukwu o nnalio yo
(oh God, I pray)
Chukwu keni uwa nnalio yo
(Oh God of all creation, I pray)
Banu mo ki zamo okwu oma
(Please, hear and answer my prayers)

Iyu kuni sa anyin kpoi ya za
(You said when we call you will answer)
Iyu kuni sa anyin kueka ya gwufuzo o
(You said when we knock, you will open)
Iyu kuni shi ife anyin choni, anyin nafu
(You said when we seek, we shall find)
Banu mo ki zamo okwu oma
(please hear and answer me oh God)

Chukwu Abeme
(Almighty God)
Iyu kuni shi anyi kpekpere nefa Jesu
(You said if we pray in Jesus name)
Shi yanu ekpere enyi
(that You will answer)
Yashi ni ekwukwo nso kushi
( the bible says)
I will lift up my eyes unto the hills
From whence cometh my help
Our help comes from you
The most high God

Yashi nna gwai
(thats why i’m telling you)
Shi obushi ya dube weri ndui ye e
(if you have not giving your life )
Jesu nwa Chukwu
(to Jesus the son of God)
Odina kpoi now
(He’s calling you now)
O biani ba nwusu
(He came to die)
Ko wobuse anyi nime njor
(to deliver us from sin)
Come and accept Jesus Christ to your life today
So when you call, He will answer you

End of Nnalio lyrics – Charity Isi 

Nnalio lyrics – Charity Isi 
Nnalio lyrics – Charity Isi 
Nnalio lyrics – Charity Isi 
Nnalio lyrics – Charity Isi 
Nnalio lyrics – Charity Isi 

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