Hello my child
Don't you ever forget this
I Am here for you
I Am here for you
Sunshine nor rain
I Am here for you
I'll never let you down
I Am here for you
It's a promise I'll never let you down
My child be strong
I am here for you
I will keep you safe in my embrace
I am here for you
You may walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Baby remember this
You are never alone
I will never let you down
Don't ever loose your confidence
Don't ever loose your hope
The name Jesus never fails
I will never let you down
You can run through a troop
You can leap over the wall baby
Don't ever loose hope
Your biggest dream are coming through
I'm here to bear you on Eagle's wings
I will never let you down
You are unstoppable baby
Keep your gaze on me baby
I'm always here for you
I'm always here for you
I will never let you fall
I've got your back baby
Don't get distracted
Keep your gaze on me
I'm here for you my child
I am the good shepherd
You are in safe hands baby
You can always lean on me
I Am your God
The only God
The master of the universe
I'm here for you baby
I'll never let you down
I will never let you down
I will never let you down