We Come Before Your Presence lyrics - Nathaniel Bassey
We come before your presence Lord.
We come before your presence
the Holy lamb of God
We lay our crowns before you
and We bow before your throne
We come before your holy presence
the holy Lamb of God
We lay our crowns before you
and We bow before your throne
...turuu rum ruumm
ideeiiii !
turu ru ruumm
turuu rum ruumm
We are in the presence of our King
turuu rum ruumm
We come before your presence.
We come before your presence (turuu rum ruumm)
the Holy lamb of God(We lay ,We lay our crown)
We lay our crowns before you
and We bow before your throne.
We come before Your holy presence!
We come before your presence (turuu rum ruumm)
the Holy lamb of God
We lay our crowns before you
and We bow before your throne.
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah,Amen.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,Sing Hallelujah,Amen.
(Sing Hallelujah)
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah,Amen.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,Sing Hallelujah(is the song of Heaven),Amen.
(Sing Hallelujah)
Hallelujah(We are in His presence ),Hallelujah(sing Hallelujah ),Hallelujah,Amen.
(Sing Hallelujah)
Hallelujah(Hallelujah ),Hallelujah(Hallelujah),Hallelujah,Amen.
(This is the gates of Heavens,Sing Hallelujah).
Hallelujah(Angels ascending and descending),Hallelujah(We are in His presence), Hallelujah,Amen.
(Sing Hallelujah)
Hallelujah (heeyyy)
Hallelujah (hallelujah)
(Sing You are worthy)
You are worthy
You are worthy
You are worthy
You are worthy (You are worthy)
You are worthy
You are worthy(Alagbada ina,You are worthy)
(We come before )
We come before Your presence,
The Holy Lamb of God,
We lay our crowns before You(and We bow)
And we bow(When you hear the trumpet,pick up a shout !)
before Your throne.
(We come before!)
We come before Your Presence
The Holy Lamb of God,
(We layyy)
We lay our crowns before You
(And we bow!)
And We bow before Your throne.
(We bow,We bow We bow!)
And We bow before Your throne
(We bow We bow)
we bow before
We bow before
We bow before Your throne.
(We bow before the throne)
We bow before(of our maker!)
(Creator)We bow before(Jehovah)
We bow before(Yahweh)
We bow before Your throne (that's all we do in His presence,We bow!)
We bow before(We bow)
We bow before(and worship)
We bow before Your throne
(That's all we do in the presence)
We bow before (We bow)
We bow before (oh oh...)
We bow before Your throne.
Lift up a shout
Lift up
Lift up a shout
Let the River flow from you...