What A Friend lyrics By Innocent Nwokenta


What A Friend lyrics By Innocent Nwokenta

Oh (3x)

[Verse 1]
What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a priviledge to carry
Everything to God in prayers

Oh what peace we all forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayers

([Chorus] in Igbo language)
Ekele m (my praise)
Otito m (my worship) Father Father
Ebube dike (Almighty)

Aga ma-eburu halleluyah (I will lift halleluyah)
Aga ma-apara halleluyah mo (I will carry my halleluyah)
Aga ma-eburu halleluyah mo ( I will lift my halleluyah)
Pagara Pagara Jesus (giving all to Jesus)

Verse 2] in Igbo Language
Dike o, Ebubedike o, Ebubedike o, kulie na-ibu dike o
(Oh Almighty, Oh Almighty, Oh Almighty, rise for you are Almighty)
Chi na-enye ndu 3x  (You who gives life)

I na-enye ndu (You give life)
Chi na-ebu mpka 3x (You who lifts burdens)
I na-ebu mpka m (You lift my burdens)
Chi na-aza mo (You who answers me)
Chin na-azo mo  (You who saves me)

Mmekata kpo gi (The moment I call you)
I na-eche mba m (You defend me)

[Chorus] in Igbo language
Ekele m (my praise)
Otito m (my worship) Father father
Ebubedike (Almighty)

Aga ma-eburu halleluyah (I will lift halleluyah)
Aga ma-apara halleluyah mo (I will carry my halleluyah)
Aga ma-eburu halleluyah mo ( I will lift my halleluyah)
Pagara Pagara Jesus (giving all to Jesus)

Maka, onweghi mgbe ike mmadu ga-akara ike chukwu 4x
(Because, there will never be a time when the power of man will be greater than the power of God)

[Chorus] in Igbo language
Ekele m (my praise)
Otito m (my worship) Father father
Ebube dike (Almighty)

Aga ma-eburu halleluyah (I will lift halleluyah)
Aga ma-apara halleluyah mo (I will carry my halleluyah)
Aga ma-eburu halleluyah mo ( I will lift my halleluyah)
Pagara Pagara Jesus (giving all to Jesus)
Ekelelelele (Praises)

End of What A Friend lyrics By Innocent Nwokenta

What A Friend lyrics By Innocent Nwokenta
What A Friend lyrics By Innocent Nwokenta
What A Friend lyrics By Innocent Nwokenta
What A Friend lyrics By Innocent Nwokenta
What A Friend lyrics By Innocent Nwokenta

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