Naomi Mugiraneza- Utwibuke {Hymnos 6} Lyrics



Abanyempano benshi baruhukiye mu bituro
[The most gifted people rest in the graves] Abanditse indirimbo zagaruye benshi Ku gakiza baribagiranye
[The powerful songwriters who led many to salvation have been forgotten] Abari intwari mu byo kwizera bararashwe baragwa
[The mighty giants of faith have been shot dead] Abari baturangaje imbere bahumishijwe amaso n’ibirabagirana by’iyisi
[Those who guided us were blinded by the pleasures of this world]

Uko ibyo byose biba, niko urukundo rwawe rwiyongera umunsi ku munsi
[Even while all these changes are happening, your unwavering love grows day by day] Imbabazi zawe zikuzura isi, maze abahora imbere yawe tugahabwa ihumure
[Then your mercies cover the earth, and we who are always in your presence, find solace]

Sinjya nibona ahatari Yesu
[I don’t see myself without Jesus] Nubwo umwijima watwikiriye Isi
[Although darkness has covered the earth] Abari muri Yesu turamurikiwe
[Those who are in Jesus are illuminated by light] Abahora hafi y’Imana ducanye nk’inyenyeri
[For us, who are always close to God, we shine like stars] Twakuvaho tukajyahe handi
[If we depart from you, where else can we go?] Twasiga umugabane wacu tukajyana iki
[What would we take if we left our portion?] Uduhe guhora imbere yawe iteka
[Grant us the grace to live in your presence eternally] Turinze kuzuzwa ibiva mwijuru
[As we wait to be filled with what comes from heaven]

Utwibuke mu minsi mibi udukure aha hatabona
[Remember us during these trying times and lead us out of the shadows] Ni wowe dutegereje ho ubutabazi
[We look forward to your help] Kuko ntitwibona ahatari Yesu
[Because we cannot identify ourselves without Jesus]

Amen Amen inkuru nziza Iva ku Mana ndayumvise
[Amen Amen I have heard good news from God] Mu mutima wanjye ndayakiriye
[I have received it in my heart] Ishimwe n’iryawe iteka ryose
[Praise belongs to you for eternity]

End of Naomi Mugiraneza- Utwibuke {Hymnos 6} Lyrics

Naomi Mugiraneza- Utwibuke {Hymnos 6} Lyrics
Naomi Mugiraneza- Utwibuke {Hymnos 6} Lyrics
Naomi Mugiraneza- Utwibuke {Hymnos 6} Lyrics
Naomi Mugiraneza- Utwibuke {Hymnos 6} Lyrics
Naomi Mugiraneza- Utwibuke {Hymnos 6} Lyrics

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