Sammy Praise – My Season ft Eme Lyrics


This is my season
This is my time
Favour is speaking for me

God of seasons and times
All things working at your word
The heavens and the earth
Are in haste to bring to pass
All you have spoken concerning creations
Kairos moments
At your command
Are here again
Duet: they are here now…

This is my season
This is my time
Favour is speaking for me

This isn’t just a season
It’s my time and my turn
Everything is working out good for me
Mercy has gone forth
Favour is speaking
This is my season
It is my season
Call: it’s my season
Res: it’s my season

This is my season
This is my time
Favour is speaking for me

End of Sammy Praise – My Season ft Eme Lyrics

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Sammy Praise – My Season ft Eme Lyrics
Sammy Praise – My Season ft Eme Lyrics
Sammy Praise – My Season ft Eme Lyrics
Sammy Praise – My Season ft Eme Lyrics
Sammy Praise – My Season ft Eme Lyrics

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