Testament Of Love lyrics ft. IB Quake - Ugee Royalty



Testament Of Love lyrics ft. IB Quake - Ugee Royalty



I am the testament of His Love

I am that proof that God is good

You're Faithful ......

you're Consistent

I can see it

All around me

SPOKEN WORDS: this is the testament that God is good

And there is nothing Juju can do

his blood speaks better things than that of Abel

we stand Galant because our senior man is able

he who speaks to mountain and the move

and to dead drinks he said talitha cumi

we asked for mercy but on top Calvary mercy full

He who is merciful and good

This is a testament that Jehovah is always......

Ugee: Always doing Good

I've tasted and I've seen and my belly has become full

this is proof that the fountain of life is the giver of life

this is why we thirst and drink of him to survive

we have seven oceans, yet you chose my belly to flow rivers of living water have you met with the Agunaechemba?

the lion that guide's the universe

when I run out of business, he stands as my chamber of course

consistent King, you don't move like the winds yet when body dey hot you turn to wind

this is the miracle that it is impossible for God to lie

are we not puffed that's such a God exist

that such a God is merciful and is why we call him King

The consistent one

I need you to sing his faithfulness in Hebrews 12 :1

So run there with a cloud of witnesses

I see an army of Angels and the host of heaven shouting

Holy Holy Holies

Who will say that those Born of God are on there own

Even in the depth of sin

I see the Master all around me

Our Olorun Agbaye

Call: Jesus is Good

Resp: I am the testament

Call: Take a look at me

Resp: I am the proof

Call: He can bless any Man

Resp: That God is good

Call: I am an Evidence

Resp: God is good

You're Faithful.......

You're Consistent....

I can see you

All around me .....

You're Faithful

I can bank on you

I can Feel You

All around me .......

(Repeat Intro).

End of Testament Of Love lyrics ft. IB Quake - Ugee Royalty

Testament Of Love lyrics ft. IB Quake - Ugee Royalty

Testament Of Love lyrics ft. IB Quake - Ugee Royalty

Testament Of Love lyrics ft. IB Quake - Ugee Royalty

Testament Of Love lyrics ft. IB Quake - Ugee Royalty

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